MCIR System Update – Improving Healthcare in Michigan Tue, 09 Jul 2024 13:19:45 +0000 en-US hourly 1 HL7 Vaccine Inventory: Matching Criteria Tue, 09 Jul 2024 13:19:45 +0000

The MCIR System release dated June 26, 2024, introduced an update to the criteria applied to inventory matching.  Please refer to this information or contact MDHHS MCIR Help Desk with any questions.

HL7 – Lot Expiration Date:  Matching Criteria

To ensure precise handling of vaccine inventory information, MCIR is including the lot expiration date when executing a reduction in inventory, this includes private inventory.

In confirming the effectiveness of this process MCIR performed data analysis and reviewed the following:

A limited number of messages received contain lot expiration dates that do not match other inventory criteria, such as:

  • Lot Number
  • Eligibility Inventory Category
  • CVX
  • Inventory Type

This mismatch prohibits the automatic reduction in the vaccine inventory.

Inventory Transfer Error – How to address:

  1. Updating your EMR:

Correcting the information within the EMR will ensure proper inventory reduction and eliminate transfer errors for mismatched or missing lot expiration dates.

While these messages will update the MCIR record correctly, the transfer report will reflect an error when attempting to update the inventory.  This is due to an incorrect/missing lot expiration date extracted from the HL7 message.

  • Confirming the lot expiration date is valid
  • Confirming the HL7 message contains your lot expiration date
  1. Manually updating Inventory in MCIR:

Impacted MCIR inventory: Error message received in MCIR “Lot not found in inventory”.

To resolve this error, perform the following steps:

Under Manage Inventory:

  1. From the “Manage Inventory” screen, click on the appropriate lot that needs a dose count correction.
  2. Click “Add New Transaction”
  3. Enter the correct date in the date field
  4. Enter the number of doses that need to be deducted
  5. From the “Action” drop-down options, choose “Adjustment”
  6. From the “Reason” drop-down options, choose “Inv On Hand/Data Correction”
  7. For “Inventory Effect” select Subtract
  8. For “LWB Effect” select N/A
  9. In the comment field, enter the reason you are manually deducting the doses, for example: “Doses were not deducted from inventory due to incorrect expiration date”
  10. Click submit

Data transfer/HL7 questions should be directed to Contact the MCIR Help Desk for assistance with the form at or 888-243-6652.

MCIR Requires Race and Ethnicity Fields for HL7 VXU Messages Tue, 25 Jul 2023 19:31:10 +0000

Beginning on July 26, 2023, the MCIR system will start flagging missing race and ethnicity fields submitted via HL7 with a warning message.

This warning message notifies the HL7 transfer sender or practice that the race and ethnicity categories when submitting a VXU message to inform the practice that PID 10-1 (race) and PID 22-1 (ethnicity) fields are now a requirement. Warning messages will be shown in both the response (ACK) message to the sender and the HL7 Transfer Report for each VXU message submitted that is missing race and ethnicity fields.

Beginning on February 28, 2024, MCIR will reject any VXU message submitted without the required race and ethnicity fields resulting in an ERROR.

Any message submitted with missing race/ethnicity fields will not be accepted and result in an error. This means that the practice MUST resubmit the message with the race/ethnicity data included for the message to be accepted into MCIR.

If a patient declines to answer race or ethnicity, they can populate “UNK” for unknown in both fields. This message will be accepted by MCIR and not result in a warning/error.

April 7, 2023 – MCIR System Release Mon, 10 Apr 2023 12:44:28 +0000

A few forecasting and assessment updates were released regarding the Pfizer Bivalent Booster primary series, MOD Bivalent Dose 2, and CVX 300 Bivalent Booster for 12 years and up forecasting. MCIR Release Notes PDF

March 29, 2023 – MCIR System Release Wed, 29 Mar 2023 16:26:47 +0000

Several MCIR updates have been resolved including issue with VFC inventory short-dated vaccine report, CDC QI report function, dates lines on the landscape orientation immunization record and proper display of lead results.  There is also a portion of the release notes regarding Forecasting and Assessment. For more info MCIR Release Notes PDF

MCIR Production Maintenance Outage June 6, 2021 Fri, 04 Jun 2021 12:13:36 +0000 The MCIR system will have an outage this Sunday, June 6, 2021 from 7:00 am – 2:00 pm to perform server maintenance.

COVID-19 E-Ordering Available in MCIR Wed, 12 May 2021 12:30:12 +0000 NEW TIP SHEET How To Order COVID-19 Vaccine in the MCIR (E-Ordering)
This functionality is accessible to currently enrolled COVID-19 Providers. Staff designated as an E-Order contact may order.

Site administrators may easily add E-Order contact(s) to their site in the MCIR. Site Administrator help is available at this link.

Michigan Department of Health & Human Services (MDHHS) How To E-Order COVID-19 Vaccine click for Webinar and click for Slides.

MCIR Technical Update Tue, 15 Sep 2020 14:43:02 +0000 Over the course of the last three weeks, the State MCIR Tech Team worked diligently to address the slowness and connectivity issues being experienced by our MCIR providers and users. 
As of Monday, September 14th . . . More Information

MCIR System Tech Slowness Update Thu, 10 Sep 2020 16:00:15 +0000 The State MCIR Tech Team are working diligently to address the slowness and connectivity issues being experienced by our MCIR providers and users. More information . . .
