Pharmacies should generally refer to resources listed for providers to obtain MCIR information. Pharmacies can follow all standard MCIR provider processes with the exception of new site and user registration for corporate/chain pharmacies.
Provider Resource Page – includes MCIR tip sheets, training schedules, and user guides.
Corporate pharmacies include Costco, CVS, Genoa Healthcare, HomeTown, Kroger, Meijer, Sam’s Club, SpartanNash, and Walgreens. Contact the Corporate Pharmacies Liaison, Tania De Castilhos with questions regarding registration.
Independent pharmacies and corporate pharmacies with non-registration related questions should contact the MCIR Help Desk for assistance at or 888-243-6652.
Employees needing access to a chain pharmacy MCIR site must contact their corporate pharmacy contact to request MCIR access. Check with your local store manager for information on who to contact.
Pharmacy Site and User Registration
Corporate Pharmacies
New Site Registration
Corporate pharmacies needing to establish a new MCIR site should contact the Corporate Pharmacies Liaison, Tania De Castilhos.
New User Registration/MCIR Access
Employees needing access to a chain pharmacy MCIR site must contact their corporate pharmacy contact to request MCIR access. Check with your local store manager for information on who to contact. Provide the contact with your name, email address, store number, and MiLogin User ID (if known).
If you have never used MCIR, you must follow the registration process, including creating a MiLogin account.
If you transfer store locations or have used MCIR at a previous employer, you do not need to create a new MiLogin account. Provide your User ID to your corporate pharmacy contact when requesting access.
Site Administrators
Corporate pharmacy contacts can follow the Add New or Existing User tip sheet to associate a user to their MCIR site. To change the contact, contact Corporate Pharmacies Liaison, Tania De Castilhos.
Independent Pharmacies
New Site Registration
Independent pharmacies needing to establish a new MCIR site can follow the standard process and complete the Provider Site Usage Agreement form.
New User Registration/MCIR Access
Employees needing access to an independent pharmacy MCIR site must contact their MCIR Site Administrator. Email the MCIR Help Desk if you do not know your Site Administrator. Please include the name and address of the pharmacy.
If you have never used MCIR, you must follow the registration process, including creating a MiLogin account.
If you transfer store locations or have used MCIR at a previous employer, you do not need to create a new MiLogin account. Provide your User ID to your Site Administrator when requesting access.
Site Administrators
Independent pharmacy Site Administrators can follow the Add New or Existing User tip sheet to associate a user to their MCIR site. To change the Site Administrator, complete the Provider Site Usage Agreement form.
Immunization Data Submission
Immunization data is uploaded to MCIR in two ways, manual entry and electronic vaccine transfer or HL7 transmission.
Electronic Vaccine Transfer/HL7 Transmission
- Most corporate pharmacies are set up for electronic vaccine transfer/HL7 transmission where data from the electronic health record (EHR) is automatically transferred into MCIR.
- Independent pharmacies looking to enroll in HL7 transmission or corporate pharmacies with HL7-related questions can visit the HL7 Transmission Page.
- HL7 Message Viewer User Reference Guide
- HL7-specific questions can be sent to
Manual Entry
- Visit the Immunizing Provider Resource and Training page for tip sheets on manual vaccine entry and for information on MCIR training.
- Contact the MCIR Education and Training Analyst (ETA) for your county for assistance with manual vaccine entry.
Contact the MCIR Help Desk for technical support at or 888-243-6652.

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